Sunday, August 14, 2011

27 Things I’ve Learned in 27 Years

I was going to wait until I turned 30 to post something like this, but everyone who knows me knows I’m impatient and that when I set my mind to something I just want to do it and not wait! So, here are 27 things I’ve learned in 27 years:

1. There is good and bad in the world. Being with like minded individuals can either lead to progress or destruction. Make sure you are in the productive group.

2. Not everyone is out to get you even when it feels like the world is against you.

3. Everyone is dealing with problems and your issue may not be as bad as theirs. The nicest home can be filled with the most troubles.

4. You can’t trust everyone you meet, but keep close the people that you can.

5. You can forgive everyone that hurts you, but you should never forget. With that said, it should be noted that revenge is not always sweet. Sometimes it’s actually really bitter.

6. What’s right is not always popular; what’s popular is not always right. (all sources I found said this quote is by Albert Einstein)

7. Being the cool kid may not be all its cracked up to be. Recently I went to dinner with two amazing women who opened my eyes to the world of being the cool kid. The amount of upkeep to always be trendy, have the perfect clothes, perfect hair and coolest gadgets just sounds exhausting. I’d rather get that extra hour of sleep than have every hair in place thank you!

8. A smile burns more calories than a frown and it looks better too. A bonus: smiling while unhappy somehow makes it hurt less.

9. Some people are innately evil and should be avoided like the plague. There really are some people who will beg, borrow and steal their way to the top and don’t care who they have to step on to get their. As soon as you realize who they are, pluck them out of your life!

10. Always look out for number 1, but don’t step in number 2 either. (movie line from Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield)

11. When you stop looking for mister right you find him. I didn’t see my husband Jeremy coming but am so glad his path crossed mine.  

12. Speaking before thinking has massive consequences but when the heart kicks in, the head shuts down.

13. I didn’t need to take as many math classes as I did. My calculator really can solve all my math problems. P.S. love the tip calculator on my phone!

14. Someone will always be bigger, better, stronger, smarter than me. All I should really focus on is being the best I can be and following my dreams.

15. I didn’t gain weight overnight and can’t expect to lose it overnight.

16. Living a healthy lifestyle is imperative and eating crap makes me feel like crap. Note to self-must find ways to get cheaper healthier food J

17. The best job in the world is one that you love, can make money at and are actually qualified to do. When it stops being fun its time to change it.

18. Money is not the only key to happiness but it sure feels better to cry in a car with air conditioning than one without…especially in the Florida heat. Nonetheless, I’d rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable.

19. Dogs are better than cats for some people and I prefer dogs. No hate mail please-its my preference and what I learned about me!

20. Sharing is caring except when it comes to my toothbrush. Mom also always said never share my drinks, my makeup or my hairbrush.

21. Karma is a bitch sometimes but she can be sweet too. Do unto others as you want done to you.

22. One red sock can ruin an entire load of white clothes but pink is one of my favorite colors.

23. If at first you don’t succeed destroy all evidence you tried. Never give up, never surrender.

24. Being an adult is fun but responsibility blows sometimes!

25. I should have stopped wishing I was older and enjoyed every minute of the present. Too often I look forward to stuff in the future and neglect the wonderful moments of now.

26. Wine is fine but liquor is quicker; either way hangovers suck!

27. Everything happens for a reason and we may never know what that reason is. Some things in life have to be accepted and this is one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with all of these! I've noticed more and more lately how much we're all growing up in our late 20s and really coming into our own. It's a marvelous thing to slowly realize who you are inside, your place in the world and finally begin to make some kind of sense of this crazy adventure we call life. Great post... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D


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